
Workshops, Circles, and Clinics

Historically, grassroots movements have been conceived and built from conversations that begin over kitchen tables, in community centers and church basements. As more of our work moves online, PeoplesHub believes we can create conditions for the same kinds of generative exchanges to occur, and take advantage of the opportunity to be in dialogue with people living in very different contexts than our own.


Join from wherever you are!

Our skilled trainers, organizers, and practitioners offer spaces for online popular education training. These offerings address topics relevant to current movements and are meant to help you gain analysis and tools that you can apply to within your own community.


PeoplesHub offers several different kinds of online spaces where we can gather for learning and strategizing on different topics and skills:


Spaces for study, exchange and skill-building 

These popular education workshops generally range from 1-2 hours and are open to individuals and groups. Workshops are offered by our staff and guest trainers to support learning in our current focus areas and other skills for effective organizing.


Forums for storytelling and dialogue

These bring together dozens of participants for panel-style conversations that highlight the work of practitioners and organizers with a depth of knowledge on the topics we explore. Participants have the opportunity to listen, reflect with others and bring their experiences into the discussion. 


Spaces for practice, support and strategizing 

Community Care & Strategy Clinics are facilitated spaces that provide peer support to dig into key questions and challenges that are emerging in people’s work on specific themes. These spaces help participants apply the skills and knowledge they’ve gained from our other programs to their specific context and community. 

Have an idea? You can apply to lead a program with PeoplesHub.