
Territories of Freedom: Testimonies of the Afro Diaspora

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Territories of Freedom: Testimonies of the Afro Diaspora

This event has occurred.
This event has occurred.

Join in a conversation about Black territories of freedom and engage with one another about strategies for creating spaces of freedom throughout the African diaspora.

Title says “Territories of Freedom: Testimonies of the Afro Diaspora”. An image of an Afro-Latino family is in the center, in front of a house with two palm trees. date and time info below says “Saturday, December 11th from 3-5pm PT/ 5-7pm CT/ 6-8pm ET”. at the bottom “in collaboration with peopleshub”
Dates and Times

Saturday, December 11th from 3-5pm PT/ 5-7pm CT/ 6-8pm ET

Program Full-Description

Queremos invitarte a nuestra última conversación de MÁS Conversaciones para MAS Orgullo del año, que también  cierra la serie Territorios de libertad: Testimonios de la diáspora Afro.

En esta oportunidad tendremos como invitada especial Gemaly Padua Uscanga, musico tradicional, Bailadora de Fandango Afrodescendiente que nos compartirá donde está en su  proceso de re-deconstrucción y auto reconocimiento.

La invitación es a crear juntas ese día una rochela, Maniel, cumbe, palenque, quilombo virtual.

Ven a construir e intervenir este territorio virtual de la diáspora Afro.

Te esperamos

Agradecemos a @peopleshub por colaborar con nosotros en la realización de esta conversación.

English translation:

We want to invite you to our last conversation of MÁS Conversaciones para MÁS Orgullo of the year, which also closes the series Territories of freedom: Testimonies of the Afro diaspora.

This time we will have as a special guest Gemaly Padua Uscanga, traditional musician, Afro-descendant Fandango Dancer who will share with us where she is in her process of re-deconstruction and self-recognition.

The invitation is to create together that day a Rochela, Maniel, Cumbe, Palenque, virtual Quilombo.

Come build and intervene in this virtual territory of the Afro diaspora.

We will wait for you

We thank @peopleshub for collaborating with us in the realization of this conversation.

This is a free event open to the entire community. The event will be facilitated in Spanish language, with English interpretation.


Milvia Pacheco (President of Movimiento Afrolatino Seattle (MÁS))


Gemaly Padua Uscanga (musico tradicional, Bailadora de Fandango Afrodescendiente)

This Circle is ideal for:

Designed for African-diasporic Black people, immigrants, and those who relate to Blackness, and all Afro Latino/x/e community in the United States, and everyone interested to know and connect with the African diasporic knowledge.


Participants will come away with an understanding of how Latine/x/a women of the African diaspora have created territories of freedom in spaces where they have been racialized.

Participants will be in witness to conversation about Black territories of freedom and engage with one another about strategies for creating spaces of freedom throughout the African diaspora.

What do you do to prepare?

Please choose a location with a strong internet connection, where you are able to share and listen comfortably. You’ll need a laptop or desktop computer, with video and headphones.


This event will be facilitated in Spanish language. English interpreters and captioning will be available.

Program People
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delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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Evento gratuito. This is a free event open to the entire community.