
Report Launch: RESISTING SURVEILLANCE & WINNING with Arab American Action Network

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Report Launch: RESISTING SURVEILLANCE & WINNING with Arab American Action Network

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This event has occurred.

Join us for an exclusive new report launch from Chicago's AAAN. If you and your community are impacted by surveillance, this panel will offer exclusive research, lessons and tools to resist it!

A light to dark green gradient background, with a black text title that says "Resisting Surveillance & Winning: NEW Report Launch with Arab American Action Network". Below smaller text says featuring "Nadiah Alyafai, AAAN organizer" and "Reema Rustom, AAAN organizer". Date/time info says "Thursday July 21st | 4-6pm pt / 6-8pm ct / 7-9pm et" and below text "Interpreters & captioners available by request". An image of the AAAN report cover is visible in the center right. link to register is visible at the bottom "".
Dates and Times

Thursday, July 21st

4:00PM-6:00PM PT

6:00PM-8:00PM CT

7:00PM-9:00PM ET

Program Full-Description

Join us for Resisting Surveillance & Winning: an exclusive, new report launch from the Arab American Action Network (AAAN)

The AAAN is the only Arab organization in Chicago that combines social services with community organizing to promote social change. AAAN’s Youth Organizing Program and Arab Women’s Committee lead a grassroots organizing campaign against the surveillance, entrapment, and criminalization of their community by law enforcement. AAAN also mobilizes their Arab and Muslim community base in support of all marginalized communities towards dignity, self-determination, and liberation.

How have Arab youth, immigrant, and refugee women resisted, and successfully abolished surveillance programs in Illinois?

What important research on federal surveillance programs have they fought for, and won through lawsuits, FOIA requests, and direct actions?

If you and your community are impacted by surveillance, this panel will offer exclusive research, lessons and tools to resist it!  

Gain analysis by directly impacted communities in Chicago on the impacts of federal “anti-terrorism” surveillance programs at our exclusive online launch of the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) in Chicago’s NEW report:

“Suspicious Activity Reports and the Surveillance State: The Suppression of Dissent and the Criminalization of Arabs and Muslims in Illinois”

Moderator: Danya Zituni (PeoplesHub)

Speakers: Nadiah Alyafai & Reema Rustom (AAAN)

This program is ideal for:

  • Organizers who want to learn research and tactics to fight surveillance in their own community
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about and support Arab youth and women-led organizing against federal “anti-terrorism” surveillance programs
  • People interested in learning about the connection between criminalization of Arab and Muslim community in the U.S. and the “War on Terror”, including US-funded Israeli occupation of Palestine

Participants will leave with:

  • A historical understanding of Arab youth and Arab immigrant/refugee women organizing
  • An analysis of how the criminalization of the Arab community in the US is part of the US-led “War on Terror”
  • Tactics to abolish surveillance programs in your own community
  • A downloadable copy of the AAAN report with access to new research on federal “anti-terrorism” surveillance programs impacting Arabs, Muslims, and BIPOC communities around the country won by AAAN organizers through their local campaign in Chicago

What do you do to prepare?

Please choose a location with a strong internet connection, where you are able to share and listen comfortably. You’ll need a laptop or desktop computer, with video and headphones.


Access requests can be made during registration or by emailing Dustin Gibson at, including interpreters and captioners.

Program People
delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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Free! Though we appreciate donations from those who can afford to do so.

At PeoplesHubweare committed to communication access, radical hospitality, supporting facilitators, and making our offerings financially accessible. Donations allow us to continue offering programs like this one and pay speakers, tech support leads, interpreters, captioners, and other support staff a fair wage for their time and expertise.Like you, those who support our trainings work hard for change in their communities and have often developed the knowledge, skill and gifts that they are offering through many unpaid hours — let’s support them to be sustainable in their work and craft!