
I’m Not a Writer BUT... A Writing Workshop for Organizers, Activists and Movement-Builders

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I’m Not a Writer BUT... A Writing Workshop for Organizers, Activists and Movement-Builders

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This event has occurred.

A writing workshop for organizers, activists and movement-builders who want support to write about their experiences.

Image features a beige background with a large illustration of a hand holding a pencil, inside of a light red sphere with orange, peach, and purple brush strokes. There is a golden dandelion under the hand, and a golden 8-pointed star next to the pencil tip. Image title reads “I’m not a writer but…A writing workshop for organizers, activists and movement builders”. Underneath text reads “with Nico Amador”, and date / time of workshops on “Wednesdays Sept 29 & Oct 13, Oct 6 — optional writing space | 6-8pm ET / 3-5PM PT”. Text underneath says “Interpreters and captioners available by request”. Registration link at the bottom is
Dates and Times

Wednesdays – September 29th, October 6th, & October 13th

From 3-5pm PDT/ 5-7pm CDT/ 6-8pm EDT

Program Full-Description

Many of us who are on the frontlines of working for racial, gender, economic and environmental justice hold important insights, tools and hard won lessons that other organizers could learn from. Yet, too often we let our anxieties and imposter syndrome get in the way of writing them down, leaving it to others to be the narrators of our movements.

This workshop is meant for anyone involved in grassroots organizing, cultural work or other forms of leadership for social change who want support to write about their experiences — whether or not you already identify as a “writer.”

Preferably, you will come to the workshop with an idea for a short piece you’d like to develop, which could include things like:

  • A story about a recent campaign you worked on;
  • An opinion article on a current political issue;
  • A handout for an upcoming training you’re leading;
  • A reflection for your organization’s annual report;
  • A narrative poem or short story that captures some aspect of your experience working for social change;
  • A chapter of a book you’re working on;
  • Or something else!

In Part One, we’ll start by talking through some of the barriers and emotional blocks to writing, then look together at a few pieces that might serve as models or inspiration for things you may want to write. You’ll have a chance to develop your idea and leave the session with some support to get started.

In Part Two, we’ll have a chance to reflect on your writing process, address challenges and workshop anything you want to share. We’ll also discuss options for informal and professional means of publishing, for those who are interested.

In between there will be an OPTIONAL online lounge that you can join and use for personal writing time.

This program is ideal for:

Anyone involved in grassroots organizing, cultural work or other forms of leadership for social change who want support to write about their experiences — whether or not they already identify as a “writer.” Geared toward women, BIPOC, trans folks and others who may experience structural or emotional barriers to writing as a result of oppression they’ve experienced.

Training Outcomes:

Participants leave with:

  • More confidence in their ability to share your experiences and perspectives on organizing and movement-building through writing;
  • The start to a piece of writing they want to develop;
  • Peer support and opportunities for constructive feedback on their writing;
  • Encouragement to continue to develop as thought-leaders on the issues they are closest to.

What do you do to prepare?

Please choose a location with a strong internet connection, where you are able to share and listen comfortably. You’ll need a laptop or desktop computer, with video and headphones.


Access requests can be made during registration or by emailing Dustin Gibson at, including interpreters and captioners.

Program People
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delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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