
Building a Disability Politic & Access-Centered Cultures (Pittsburgh Region)

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Building a Disability Politic & Access-Centered Cultures (Pittsburgh Region)

This event has occurred.
This event has occurred.

The workshops are for organizations and groups in the Pittsburgh region that are looking to apply a disability justice framework and practices to their work.

An orange gradient background featuring black text title “Building a Disability Politic & Access-Centered Cultures”. Subtitle says “For People in the Pittsburgh Region”. Date and time in the center left says “Tuesdays July 19 & 26 | 6:30-8:30PM ET”. Below text says “Interpreters & captioners available by request”. In the center right is an illustration of a purple colored city outline behind two oversized purple colored hands, holding 3 people in the center. One person on the left is signing “I love you”, and on the right the second person is sitting in a wheelchair smiling, while the third person is also smiling and hugging them from behind. The link to register is visible at the bottom “”.
Dates and Times

Tuesdays July 19th & 26th

3:30 - 5:30pm PT
5:30 - 7:30pm CT
6:30 - 8:30pm ET

Program Full-Description

This workshop series is only for people in the Pittsburgh region who work within social justice movements or organizations that have a desire to integrate disability into their work and implement and increase access practices.

Workshop #1: Building a Disability Politic 

This workshop illuminates the ways that disability is connected to the existing systems and oppressions your group is already addressing in the work. We will

develop an expansive understanding of disability and ableism that’s rooted in historical context. The wisdom of disability-led movements will be the foundation that informs your group’s position in a broader movement ecosystem.

Workshop #2: Building Access-Centered Cultures 

This workshop delineates the differences between accessibility and access, with the goal of developing practices rooted in anti-ableist values that can shift culture. Information as to how a justice-oriented framework can benefit everyone will be included. Participants will have opportunities to share, hone, and rethink their approach to access by working through scenarios.

Participants will….

  • Develop a deeper understanding for the ways that ableism impedes collective liberation.
  • Build a container to analyze how a disability justice framework can be applied.
  • Identify existing access practices, develop more and strategize ways to implement them. 

Learn more about this topic:

We invite participants to prepare for these workshops by reading:

Program People
delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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Free. This program is grant funded. Donations are always gratefully accepted.