
Black Space, Black Thought: The Political Importance of Black Bookstores

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Black Space, Black Thought: The Political Importance of Black Bookstores

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Join us for an interactive, intergenerational conversation on the political importance of Black publishing and bookstores, and the cultural strategies of resistance that we can bring forward to reclaim and create Black space.

A bright green gradient background with the title “Black Space, Black Thought: The Political Importance of Black Bookstores”. An illustration of a stack of 5 books in the center features text on each spine with program information: “November 10th, 3-5 PM PT / 6-8 PM ET. with Malaika Adero, Dr. Enkeshi El-Amin, Alona Norwood & Joe Tolbert. Free to register: Interpreters & captioners available by request”.
Dates and Times

Wednesday, November 10th from 3-5pm PST/ 5-7pm CST/ 6-8pm EST

Program Full-Description

During the 1960s and 70s, there was a proliferation of Black publishing and literature. This literature not only carried forth our culture but spread our political thought throughout our communities. Central to this effort was the Black bookstore. The bookstore became a central pillar in the Black community, a hub for organizing and cultural resistance.

In our current moment of regressive politics and overdevelopment that is displacing many from their home communities, we are seeing the loss of Black spaces and a shift in the cultural makeup of the communities we call home. Building on the legacy of the Black bookstore, a new generation is drawing from the strategies.

Join us for an interactive, intergenerational conversation on the political importance of Black publishing and bookstores, and the cultural strategies of resistance that we can bring forward to reclaim and create Black space.

Circle Guests:

Malaika Adero, Dr. Enkeshi El-Amin, & Alona Norwood

This Circle is ideal for:

Artists and cultural workers who work at the intersections of art and social justice.

Circle Outcomes:

Participants will leave with:

  • A historical understanding of Black publishing/bookstores and its connection to movements for Black liberation
  • Cultural strategies of resistance used to celebrate Black culture and preserve Black space

What do you do to prepare?

Please choose a location with a strong internet connection, where you are able to share and listen comfortably. You’ll need a laptop or desktop computer, with video and headphones.


Access requests can be made during registration or by emailing Dustin Gibson at, including interpreters and captioners.

Program People
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delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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This Circle is FREE.