
The Tradition of Black August: A Conversation with Cultural Workers Inside and Outside of Prison

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The Tradition of Black August: A Conversation with Cultural Workers Inside and Outside of Prison

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This event has occurred.

Black August is a time to commemorate the lives of Black freedom fighters through study and practice. In this circle we’ll reflect on the importance of organizing across prison walls, alongside several guests working in anti-prison movements, including our Arts and Social Justice Fellow, Yem Case, who is an organizer and writer incarcerated in Pennsylvania.

Graphic with details of the event. The left side is black and then the right side emerges a shadow of prison bars. At the top in red text is " The Tradition of Black August" and below that is white text is "A Conversation with Cultural Workers Inside and Outside of Prison." Below that is the date and time of the event: August 8, 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET. Below is a list of the speakers: Kempis "Ghani" Songster (restorative and transformative justice practitioner), William Yem Case (2024 arts and social justice fellow), and D. Musa Springer (host of groundings podcast). Registration link is and interpreters and captioners available.
Dates and Times

August 8

3:30pm - 5:30pm PT

4:30pm - 6:30pm MT

5:30pm - 7:30pm CT

6:30pm - 8:30pm ET

Program Full-Description

As we arrive in Black August, a time to commemorate the lives of Black freedom fighters through study and practice, we want to reflect on the importance of organizing across prison walls. For the past four months, Yem Case, organizer and writer incarcerated in Pennsylvania, has been a PeoplesHub Arts and Social Justice Fellow studying the frameworks of disability justice and solidarity economy alongside four trainers.

Kempis “Ghani” Songster will open the circle with a grounding in the revolutionary efforts of past and current prisoners. Ghani is a restorative and transformative justice practitioner, and has been a part of the PeoplesHub community for several years.

Following Ghani’s grounding, Yem will be in conversation with D. Musa Springer, cultural worker and host of Groundings podcast. As writers concerned with the freedom of artists and Black prisoners, Yem and Musa will discuss art as a tool to politicize and free prisoners, and disability justice as a framework to build resistance. PeoplesHub will share reflections from the fellowship and actions to support political prisoner campaigns and anti-prison movements.

In this clinic, participants will:

  • Ground in the significance of Black August
  • Understand art as a tool to politicize and free prisoners
  • Learn ways to put disability justice theory into practice

This event is designed for:

Anyone interested in learning about Black August and about the role of art, disability justice and solidarity economy in anti-prison movements.


Access requests, including interpretation and captioners, can be made during registration or by emailing Dustin Gibson at  Requests for interpreters and captioners that are made less than 48 hours before the event typically are more difficult to meet. We will try and notify you if we cannot secure requested access.


A Call to the United Nations to Abolish Death by Incarceration:

Alive and Paranoid by D. Musa Springer:

Groundings Podcast:

  • There are a few episodes covering political prisoners including The Jericho Movement for Political Prisoners, The Pendleton 2, The Jailhouse Lawyer Known As Sundiata Jawanza, and The Political Prisoner: From Mumia Abu-Jamal To Palestine.

Program People
delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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Choose what you pay, starting at $0. The true cost of this circle is $50/person.

At PeoplesHub we are committed to communication access, radical hospitality, supporting facilitators, and making our offerings financially accessible. Contributions allow us to continue offering programs like this one and pay facilitators, tech support leads, interpreters, captioners, and other support staff a fair wage for their time and expertise. Like you, those who support our trainings work hard for change in their communities and have often developed the knowledge, skill and gifts that they are offering through many unpaid hours — let’s support them to be sustainable in their work and craft!