
kay darling


sagittarius rising, leo sun, virgo moon

kay is a chronically ill being who writes and speaks astrology. raised in charleston, sc and searching for home on various lands across the globe ever since. she’s a co-creator of cosmic healing, a queer Black sista-led practice dedicated to honoring the realities, hopes, and destinies of the most marginalized in our communities through an astrological and  trauma-informed  lens. Kay's readings reflect her love of language, storytelling, and communication and eco-womanist, anti-colonial/anti-imperialist and

They are available for readings now, free Black Hsitory Month readings for Black people, and sliding scale for the rest of yous.

Folks can reach kay at:  cosmichealingfam@protonmail.com

read kay’s newsletter, sag, rising at kaydarling.substack.com

check out cosmic healing and a complete list of our offerings at linktr.ee/cosmichealingfam.