Guest Speaker


Je'Kendria (they/she) is a fat, Black, disabled, nonbinary (agender) person who has been working as a facilitator, healer, artist, educator, and community organizer in DC for over 16 years. Je’Kendria currently co-leads Collective Action for Safe Spaces, a grassroots organization in DC dedicated to building community safety for marginalized survivors through an abolitionist lens. They also serve as a cultural worker, dynamic facilitator, and transformative justice practitioner within the movement for Black lives. Their spiritual work as @theconjurecreative bridges a cosmic fusion between Hoodoo/ATR, arts & culture, and Black queer and trans liberation, where she offers conjure potions, tarot divinations, and healing/cultural events for her surrounding community of Black queer/trans conjurers, healers, artists, and activist/organizers.