
Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard

Author of Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practiceand 2016 inductee into the U.S. Cooperative Hall of Fame, Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, Ph.D., is Professor of Community Justice and Social Economic Development, Chair of the Department of Africana Studies, and Director of the McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program at John Jay College, City University of New York. Professor Gordon-Nembhard is a political economist specializing in Solidarity Economics, cooperative economics, Black Political Economy, and popular economic literacy. Her research and numerous publications explore problematics and alternative solutions in community economic development, worker ownership, racial wealth inequality, community-based asset building, and community-based approaches to justice. She is the proud mother of Susan and Stephen, and the grandmother of Stephon, Hugo, and Ismaél Nembhard.