This month, PeoplesHub is excited to invite you to two unique offerings: Climate Survival Emergency & Emotional Preparedness Training presented in partnership with Coalición Fortaleza, Mijente and Green Latinos; and a live screening of an original play: Kyoung’s Pacific Beat NERO followed by a special talkback with Kyoung H. Park (Playwright/Director) & Jess Applebaum (NERO Dramaturg).
In the midst of climate disaster impacting fenceline and frontline communities, and endless wars waged by U.S. Empire–we reach for the healing salves of community-based climate survival strategies, and culturally relevant art that directly critiques root-causes of state violence. Both of our May offerings are also ✨FREE✨, with suggested donation only– we hope to see you there!
Sign Up for Offerings:
- 🌿 Register now for Climate Survival: Emergency & Emotional Preparedness Training / Supervivencia Climática: Entrenamiento de preparación para emergencia! In partnership with Coalición Fortaleza, Mijente and Green Latinos.
English: Climate change is here and the impacts are an everyday threat, particularly to our marginalized communities. Wildfires, earthquakes, floods, power outages, and wind storms are some of the ways climate change is showing up in our lives and we need to get ourselves and our people ready to survive. This training seeks to grow resilience for participants by exploring the climate threats we are prone to, increasing our emotional resilience in the face of disaster, and giving participants the tools they need to make a plan today for themselves and their community.
Español: El cambio climático está aquí y los impactos son una amenaza diaria, particularmente para nuestras comunidades marginadas. Los incendios forestales, los terremotos, las inundaciones, los cortes de energía y las tormentas de viento son algunas de las formas en que el cambio climático se manifiesta en nuestras vidas y debemos prepararnos a nosotros mismos y a nuestra gente para sobrevivir. Esta capacitación busca aumentar la resiliencia explorando las amenazas climáticas a las que somos propensos, aumentando nuestra resiliencia emocional ante un desastre y brindándonos las herramientas que necesitamos para hacer un plan hoy para nosotros y nuestra comunidad.
[Image Description: An illustration featuring a yellow to green gradient, and large brown hand with vines and flowers growing on it signaling "stop" to a scene of bulldozer, oil pipeline spill, and wildfires. Title says "Climate Survival: Emergency & Emotional Preparedness Training" and underneath "with Niria Alicia, Erica Alexia, & Sara Cervantez". Date/time info says "Monday May 23, Spanish with English translation; Tuesday May 31, English with Spanish Translation | 8-10PM ET / 5-7PM PT". Below text says "interpreters & captioners available by request". Link to register at the bottom "" and "in partnership with" Coalicion Forteleza, el Comite Mijente, Green Latinos].
- 🎭 Join us for a Play Screening: Kyoung’s Pacific Beat NERO! Kyoung’s Pacific Beat, a peacemaking theater company based in Brooklyn, New York, invites you to an online screening of an excerpt from their new, work-in-progress NERO. NERO is a Shakespearean, five-act “streamplay” theatricalizing the history from George W. Bush’s War on Terror to our present day as the rise and fall of Nero’s Roman Empire. Set in 64 AD in Rome’s Palace of the Frogs, NERO is the story of an artist, a lover, America – a tragicomedy.
[Image Description: A multi-colored pink, red, blue and yellow gradient background featuring a black text title "Play Screening:" and "Kyoung's Pacific Beat NERO". A screenshot of a play scene is in the center, alongside text "special post-screening talkback with: Kyoung H. Park & Jess Applebaum". Date/time info says "Wednesday May 25th, 4-6PM PT / 6-8PM CT / 7-9PM ET". Below text says “Interpreters and captioners available by request” and "*Content Warning: Mention of Sexual Violence*". link to register at the very bottom "".]
Partner Offerings:
- Thriving Groups, Thriving Communities / Grupos Prósperos, Comunidades Prósperas | May 11, 4-6PM PST / 6-8PM CST / 7-9PM EST
Join this upcoming workshop with the Highlander Center, supported by PeoplesHub! In this workshop we will study closely the elements that have been essential to groups and communities thriving in their struggle for liberation, as well as the elements that need to be strengthened in our current movements in order for us to stick together and transform society. Sign up here!
- Virtual #FreeFelixGarcia Letter Writing Session | May 12, 3-5PM PST / 5-7PM CST / 6-8PM EST
Support this important call to action from HEARD (Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of the Deaf): Help write & send letters of support for Felix Garcia's upcoming parole hearing! This event will be presented in ASL with live captioning and English/ASL interpreters. Sign up here!
Felix Garcia is a wrongfully convicted deafdisabled Latino elder who has been incarcerated for over 40 years for a crime he did not commit. Felix is an artist, a deeply curious learner and patient teacher, and someone who has shown deep solidarity with and love for disabled people in prison for decades. You can learn more about Felix through the hashtag #FreeFelixGarcia.
- 🇨🇺 Our Program Director, Hope Ghazala, was invited to a Youth Delegation from the US to Cuba organized by the International People’s Assembly! Raising the slogan “Build The Future, Break the Blockade” this delegation of young activists participated in Cuba’s historic May Day Parade to celebrate International Workers Day alongside the Cuban people. Read the full press release here!
- 🎥 ICYMI: We hosted an Instagram Live: Spring Artist Q&A with our Spring Artist Fellows Elena House-Hay and Saleem Hue Penny. Their responses were brilliant, funny, and left us feeling so inspired—check it out here!
In Care, Danya | Director of Communications