
Online Popular Education

Our Purpose

We're an online hub for movement workers to learn, connect, collaborate, and strategize - in and across the disability justice and solidarity economy movements.

Illustration by Danya Zituni of a zoom call with multi-racial, multi-gender, disabled & chronically ill movement folks. Community Care Clinics at PeoplesHub.

illustrated by Danya Zituni

What Is This? 
by Elena House-Hay, Arts & Social Justice Fellow

Our online spaces center radical hospitality, participation, and access. Learn at our popular education-style workshops, strategize with other movement workers at our clinics, or pursue deep work in a fellowship or cohort with us.

Upcoming Events

Registration is open!

 A peach to lavender gradient background featuring an illustration of a zoom call with multi-racial, multi-gender, disabled & chronically ill movement folks. Title is “Save the Date for Community Care Clinics For Disabled & Chronically Ill Movement Folks”. Text underneath title is the dates and times for the upcoming events (listed below) with link to register “”
May 16, 2023
Community Care Clinic for Disabled and Chronically Ill Movement Folks

Ongoing through fall and beyond: A community care peer support space for disabled and chronically ill people.

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Image description: A dark blue background with sections of violet and light blue. Title at the top says “PeoplesHub Tech Support Clinic.” Date and time information is listed with 5 bulleted lines: April 11, 12pm / 3pm ET, below that is May 23, 9am PT / 12pm ET, below that is July 11, 12pm PT / 3pm ET, below that is October 3, 9am PT / 12pm ET, and below that is November 7, 12pm PT / 3pm ET.” To the right of the graphic are circles with photos of the trainers and their names: Jolanda Walter Klebl, Catherine Klebl, and Aerik Woodams. Text below says “Open to past participants of our Online Methodology Offerings. Interpreters & captioners available by request.” Registration link at the bottom is:
May 24, 2023
Tech Support Clinics

A fun, safe peer space for continued learning... Get the latest updates on Zoom, practice using technical tools, and develop skills of accessible design and radical hospitality.

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Dark blue starry background featuring the title: “The Power of Online Spaces”. Below it are date and time information: “Oct 23, 3-5pm PT / 4-6pm / MT 5-7pm CT / 6-8pm ET. Below that is text" Interpreters & captioners available by request”. The bottom has registration link “"
April 19, 2024
The Power of Online Spaces in the Current Movement Moment

A hands-on training of fundamental design and facilitation skills using principles of popular education - so you can lead online community meetings that deepen connections and move your work forward.

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A flyer for the event, "Still Zoomin". The flyer has green background with the PeoplesHub logo in the upper left corner. Across the top of the flyer is a blue banner with the event title, "Still Zoomin' Tech for Online Gatherings. In the middle of the flyer are photos of the three facilitators Jolanda, Catherine, and Hafidha, and the date and time of the event: Wednesday, October 30, 3-5pm PT / 4-6pm MT / 5-7pm CT / 6-8pm ET. At the bottom of the flyer is the link to register: ""
May 22, 2024
Still Zoomin' in the Current Movement Moment

A hands-on Zoom tech and online accessibility training for community organizers.

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Graphic has an orange background with radiating circles. PeoplesHub name and logo is to the left of the graphic. Upper right corner says "August through November." Middle of graphic has text, "Strategy Clinics for Black Disabled Movement Workers, Thursdays, August 15, September 19, October 10, November 14, 3pm PT, 6pm ET." Register at Interpreters & Captioners Available by Request
July 3, 2024
Strategy Clinics for Black Disabled Movement Workers, Fall 2024

We invite Black disabled movement workers into strategic conversations to sharpen our organizing approaches, develop points of unity amongst Black radical disabled people and share tools, skills, and resources that continue to support black disabled people.

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Trainings for Communities and Organizations

Work with PeoplesHub! Click to learn more.

Thriving Communities

Build practices that support growth, leadership and restorative approaches to common challenges that groups, organizations and collectives face.

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Online Methodology Offerings

Get support to make your online meetings, trainings and gatherings dynamic spaces for learning and organizing.

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Disability Justice and Access

Develop a stronger Disability Justice politic and access practices within your organizing work.

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Call to Action

Support our Movements

Help us train and fortify community efforts towards actualizing liberatory action and transformation.